New Jersey Medical Marijuana Caregiver Information

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What Is a Medical Marijuana Caregiver in New Jersey?

Caregivers are persons who have been designated and have consented to purchase, transfer, and administer medical marijuana on behalf of patients who cannot do so by themselves. Such patients include persons under the age of 18 as the New Jersey medical cannabis program prohibits minors from obtaining medical cards or medical marijuana by themselves. Patients who cannot access medical marijuana easily, whether through disability, severe medical conditions, or old age may also have caregivers assist them in obtaining and using medical marijuana.

In New Jersey, a caregiver may only serve one registered patient per time. However, a patient may designate up to two caregivers. Still, under certain circumstances and according to the Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act (CUMMA), a registered patient is allowed to petition the CRC for approval to designate more than two caregivers.

How to Become a Medical Marijuana Caregiver in New Jersey

To be eligible to serve as a medical marijuana caregiver in New Jersey, you must:

  • Be aged 18 or older
  • Be a New Jersey resident
  • Consent to assist the qualifying patient with medical marijuana use
  • Not currently be serving as a caregiver for any other qualifying patient
  • Not be the patient's attending physician
  • Not be convicted of a felony involving drug use or possession

Caregiver registrations are completed on the New Jersey Medical Marijuana Program (NJMMP) registration portal. Note that caregivers who are not immediate family members of the patients being served must submit their fingerprints for criminal background checks. The following will be required when completing registration as a caregiver on the NJMMP portal:

  • Proof of current New Jersey residency
  • Proof of identification such as NJ county ID card, current New Jersey digital non-driver ID card, and current New Jersey digital license
  • Clear unedited photo showing the subject's face against a white background

Once the Cannabis Regulatory Commission has cleared the applicant via background check and examined their submitted documents, they will receive a notification by email confirming approval. New Jersey now issues digital medical marijuana registry ID cards for patients and caregivers. Those wishing to obtain physical cards must pay a $10 fee.

How to Find a Medical Marijuana Caregiver in the New Jersey

Although the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) oversees the state's medical cannabis program, caregivers are designated by qualifying patients and not the CRC. Caregivers are typically friends or family members and may be assigned by patients at any time during or after registering with the medical cannabis program.

How Much Marijuana Can a Caregiver Have in New Jersey?

Caregivers are allowed to purchase and have a maximum of 3 ounces of marijuana for every 30-day period. However, patients in hospice programs and terminally ill patients are typically exempted from monthly limits. Hence, caregivers for terminally ill patients may purchase more than the stipulated limit from approved Alternative Treatment Centers in New Jersey.

How Many Marijuana Plants Can a Caregiver Have in New Jersey?

It is currently illegal for a caregiver to grow marijuana in New Jersey. The CRC prohibits caregivers and registered patients from cultivating marijuana for medical purposes.

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New Jersey Marijuana Caregiver Information